The world-wide movement against water fluoridation.
In stark contrast to the Center for Disease Control’s claim that fluoridation is one of the top ten public health achievements of the 20th century, it is one of the most widely rejected health interventions in the world.
Out of 196 nations, only 24 have any fluoridation, and only 10, like the U.S., for more than half their population. Over 95% of the world’s population is fluoridation-free.
None of the largest Asian nations, including China, India and Japan, fluoridate. All African nations are virtually fluoridation-free. In Europe, only four out of 48 countries fluoridate (less than 2% of the population). A few have fluoridated salt, but only as a consumer choice.
France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway and Sweden have all prohibited fluoridation, many citing the ethical problem of putting any drug in drinking water.
In Europe, only four out of 48 countries fluoridate (less than 2% of the population). A few have fluoridated salt, but only as a consumer choice. France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway and Sweden have all prohibited fluoridation, many citing the ethical problem of putting any drug in drinking water.
For dozens of nations that haven’t banned it, thousands of major cities and smaller towns don’t fluoridate, including Athens, Barcelona, Budapest, Geneva, Helsinki, London, Madrid, Prague, Rome, and Vienna.
The number of organizations opposing fluoridation grows year by year. They include:
American Academy of Environmental Medicine
Austrian Dental Society
Bioscience Resource Project
Center for Health, Environment and Justice
Children’s Health Defense
Council of Canadians
Danish Dental Society
Danish Society of Public Health
Dental Amalgam Mercury Solutions
Eau Secours (Canadian coalition of 234 groups promoting clean, safe water)
Environmental Working Group
Food and Water Watch
Institute of Neurotoxicology & Neurological Disorders
International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine
International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology
League of United Latin American Citizens
Moms Against Fluoridation
Organic Consumers Association
In addition, many organizations once endorsing fluoridation have pulled back, no longer taking a position. They include:
Alzheimer’s Association
American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology
Center for Science in the Public Interest
Consumers Union (Consumer Reports)
National Association of Social Workers
National Down Syndrome Congress
National Down Syndrome Society
National Kidney Foundation
The trend is clear. And as the scientific data accumulate, more and more nations, cities and organizations are challenging the safety, efficacy, costs and ethics of fluoridation.
Find out more on the Fluoride Action Network.